i’m not sure whether to use a donor egg

Sometimes we need a bit of help to reframe the unhelpful thought patterns swimming around in my head.​​​​​​​​​

I speak to so many women who get stuck in a place of uncertainty and fear to move forward using donor eggs.

Yet at the same time they feel an incredible amount of pressure to do something and make the most of this window in life to become a parent.

Have a play around with these sentences and fill in the words that feel right for you.

Even though (insert fear)
Maybe this (insert reframe)
I know that (insert empowering belief)

If you need some help with fostering a helpful mindset to help you move forward on your fertility journey be sure to get in touch.

I have heaps of resources and a Community Membership where I share resources and get to chat to you twice a month on a group Zoom call.


will i bond with my donor-conceived child?


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