unsure if donor eggs are the right thing?

🙋🏽‍♀️Do you relate?​​​​​​​​​

There are mindset hurdles to overcome and you might feel that you could do with some help to shift through unhelpful thought processes that are holding you back?

I started www.donoreggmama.com to be the support that I was searching for when I was on my donor egg journey 8 years ago.

If you'd like affordable support from a coach plus a wonderful community of like minded women that totally get what you're going through please join my Community Membership for women either considering donor eggs or in the thick of their journey.

Membership starts from $29 a month and includes 2 x interactive zoom calls suited to Australia, NZ, USA/Canada and European time zones.

Sending love and support on your journey xox


it will be worth it


transforming angry thoughts